Polymerminds provides
Polymerminds.com as a service to enable its users to connect with one
another. Polymerminds provides the platform but does not directly
participate in, nor is it involved in any transactions. Please keep in minds
that are posted not by Polymerminds, but users of Polymerminds.com.
Polymerminds user can post a requirement but does not screen or control
users, nor does Polymerminds review or authenticate all listings, or
services offered. Polymerminds has no control over the quality, safety or
legality of the items advertised the truth or accuracy of the listings.
Users may not spam the system and/or impose an unreasonable load on our system
or use it to promote competing services. Posting service users may not post the
same ad in multiple places. Polymerminds team may take action to delete
the ads. Prohibited spam or otherwise impermissible marketing activities in
Polymerminds may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Posting an ad that is unrelated
to the category in which the ad is placed.
Posting identical ads in the
same category and location.
Posting an ad with
inappropriate links, titles, descriptions, or unauthorized use of content to
which the person posting does not have rights.
Posting an ad through
unauthorized robots (crawling software).
Soliciting a Polymerminds
user to post an ad in another site.
Posting ads for ad typist or
home typist.